Singing Guide: Michael Boggs

Singing Guide: Michael Boggs

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Michael Boggs: HIs Vocal Technique

Michael Boggs is an Australian singer-songwriter who has contributed immensely to the contemporary Christian music scene. Known for his smooth and powerful voice, Boggs has released several albums that have inspired millions of fans worldwide. In this article, we will discuss the unique vocal technique of Michael Boggs and how you can learn to sing like him.

Vocal Technique of Michael Boggs

Boggs has a talent for mixing different types of vocal registers and controlling them seamlessly to create powerful vocal performances. He typically blends his chest and head voice while singing, creating a distinct sound characterized by a warm and full-bodied tone. This technique is especially prominent in several of his songs, including "What Would Jesus Undo?" and "Bring Me Lord."

Another unique aspect of Boggs' vocal technique is his ability to use vibrato in a way that adds subtle depth to his performances. Vibrato refers to a fluctuation in pitch that is created by a slight modulation in the vocal cords, producing a trembling effect. Boggs' clever use of vibrato brings more power and emotion to his music.

Songs to Showcase Michael Boggs' Unique Vocal Technique

To learn to sing like Michael Boggs, it's advisable to start by analyzing his vocal technique in some of his most impressive performances. We recommend studying the following songs:

  1. What Would Jesus Undo? This song highlights Boggs' ability to blend his chest and head voices flawlessly. Listen closely to how he changes the pitch and volume in different sections of the song to create a powerful effect.
  2. Bring Me Lord provides an excellent example of Boggs' clever use of vibrato. Pay attention to his vocal control when he adds subtle fluctuations in pitch in the second verse of the song.
  3. Misfit showcases Boggs' vocal energy and power. In this song, he uses his mixed voice technique to produce a more forceful and intense sound.

Practical Advice to Learn to Sing Like Michael Boggs

To learn to sing like Michael Boggs practically, you should take several steps.

  1. First, take the vocal range test offered by Singing Carrots to determine your vocal range. Then, practice blending different vocal registers to achieve a similar effect to Michael Boggs.
  2. Secondly, work on your vibrato by using Singing Carrot's vocal pitch monitor to visualize your progress. Experiment with adding vibrato to your singing to add depth and emotion to your performances.
  3. Thirdly, explore Singing Carrots' Pitch Training program to improve your pitch accuracy and vibrato control.
  4. Finally, Singing Carrots' educational singing course is an excellent resource for learning fundamental techniques required for singing and performance tips and tricks.

With all of these resources and some practice, you can master Michael Boggs' unique vocal technique and improve your overall singing skills.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.